Monday, December 24, 2007


Jordin Sparks - Tattoo
oh oh oh No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later I get what I'm asking for
No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
The truth is a stranger Soul is in danger
I gotta let my spirit be free To admit that I'm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realized nothings broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you (I'll always have you)*I'm*
Sick of playing all of these games
It's not about taking sides
When I looked in the mirror didn't deliverIt hurt enough to think
that I could stopAdmit that I'm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I've gotta be strong and leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothings broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you (I'll always have you)
If I live every moment Won't change any moment
Still a part of me in you I will never regret you
Still the memory of you Marks everything I do, oh~
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothings broken (yeah) No need to worry about everything
I've done live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction (don't look back)
I loved you once needed protection (no, no)
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
I can't waste time so give it a moment (i can't waste time)
I realized nothings broken
No need to worry about everything I've done (no need to worry)
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction (don't you ever look back)
I loved you once needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I love travel channel !! it got a great diversity and interesting !!
I watched a program ~" Bizarre Food " !! for me... I would say the host who's very brave and try everything !! of course ~ he's the host of the program ... so... he has to !! hahaha
it introduced bizarre food in Spain yesterday ~ I just knew that Spanish people almost eat everything like us !! haha the presentation of the meal in Spain not so much colourful ~ not so good looking but ~ I guess it's still tasty !!?
I will prove if it's really tasty someday !! haha
~check it out !! free video watching on line ~

Friday, December 21, 2007

Paris , Je T'aime

I saw the movie " Paris, Je T'aime " ~

every piece of stories is about LOVE ~

seems there's thousands of love stories could happen in Paris every day...

and people love to talk about love as well ~

haven't been to Paris anyway... but from the movie ~ I feel that Paris is kinda a romatic city~

and very beautiful...

but on the other hand... it's so easy to fall in love with someone , isn't it?

"LOVE" to them ... seems like a very beautiful part of their daily lives...

they cannot without it... like the air... the sunshine...

even if it's just a flash in the pan... they still desire it ....

evey single story in this movie is talking about different kinda way of love...

I did enjoy it ~ and the incidental music is nice too !!

I will visit Paris someday for sure !! ***

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Grand Hotel 圓山飯店

I went to see Taipei International Travel Fair
and stayed in the Grand Hotel ~
it's kinda a old-world hotel in Taiwan ~
it's also one of famous hotels in Taipei~
this is my first time staying there ~ and I had a nice stay there !!
this is the link of Grand Hotel

decision changing...

many things happened to me these days...
something about love , friends and something about my future ...
originally, I'd planed to go to Australia with my best friend for working holiday...
but now ... something make me rethink it..
because I have a job opportunity after I graduate from collage...
and I do wanna seize this opportunity anyway...
well ... I just can take one side... and got to give up another one... !! >.<"
it's kinda a hard decision to decide...
through these days kept thinking and thinking...
maybe I would choose go to work first ~
many things and also my dreams need me to achieve them~!!
so... yeah... if I choose go to work instead of working holiday...
I must stay in Taiwan then... and also... I must face the real life...!!
keep thinking and thinking...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Bad Dream.... >–<"

I had a bad dream yesterday...
dreamed about something with me and some people who I'm not very well with them...
I just got shocked and suddenly woke up !! because I dreamed that I kissed a stranger... !!!
and I even don't know who he is in the real life... and I dreamed of some other people ...
and something happened ... ( cannot really remembered...)
well ... but at the moment I just woke up with being shocked ...
there was a guy who cames up in my head.... yeah... it's David....

when I turned on my laptop this morning... I saw he left a message ....
but the true was... we didn't catch up with each other again.... why...??!!
something made me feel kinda upset...

*** I miss you ...***

Thursday, December 13, 2007


~ I love the outfit of MANGO & ZARA ~

I like surfing on that kinda website sometimes ~

but just looking ... ^__^"

Don't be sorry...

David told me that he felt sorry to me cause he couldn't catch up with me when I wanted to

talk to him... it happened couple of times anyway...

but I didn't mean to blame him for these things...

because I know he's kinda busy and often isn't in front of the laptop... just let it "sleeping" on the desk !!

but it's okey... I thought something over again...

and I wrote a mail to him... said some feeling of mine... something true feeling in my heart !!

all I want is simple... yeah it is true... it's simple but important !!

hope he could understand me and I also want to understand him more ~

Monday, December 10, 2007

My City~ Tainan !!
Suddenly found my hometown got so many historic sites and temples for tourism !!

hahaha for me .... it seems not so much special anyway...

and I didn't mean to notice them since I grew up here...

remembered that when I was little...

we took many tour around Tainan city...

and teacher taught us many things of history...

hahaha I almost forgot most of them... >.<"

well~ maybe I guess I got to make a tour around Tainan then...


So, when I saw the Tainan city tourism website of government ....

it gathers all of the spots together !!

wow... I just can say... Tainan really is a old city !!

Just found something good !!

I just found a website which is a blog you could post ,comment on, vote on, share your favorite sites or blogs with your friends !!
It's very good and I still work on it ~ searching something from there and posting my blog on it also !!
Here's the link...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My friend "Sammi" told me something...

未來真的太遙遠... 現在也只能單純的聊聊~ 單純的想想~
就像我之前寫了封信給未來的自己... 許多的夢想~ 理想~ 願望~
希望能在未來一一的實現... 當我五年、十年後~ 甚至是更久...
在看到那封信時... 我已經完成大部分的事情了...!!

談到感情...Sammi 對我說...他第一次知道那種真心喜歡的感覺~甚至有那種可以嫁給他的感覺...
(如果他開口... ) 但是... 很多事情都是... 事與願違 ... 儘管聽Sammi訴說的一切都像是對方也對她有那份情感在... 但是,他們就是無法在一起 !! WHY ?? THERE'S NO ANSWER ANYWAY!!
雖然我不能完全的了解他們的情況,因為我也不是當事人... 但是我可以體會Sammi現在的那種感覺... 帶點痛苦 ... 又無可奈何...
他說他不想去強求... 所以也不想在去多說甚麼、多努力甚麼....
這好不像他的個性阿 !! 他應該是很有衝勁的ㄚ!!
是的... 感情是強求不來的... 如果他們真的有緣... 還是會有機會的... 只是... 現在似乎帶著點遺憾...

唉... 現在的我... 好想念David 喔 ~ 真的好想念... 每當我想起他... 都會有股淡淡的哀傷...
可能因為真的太想念了吧... 這份感覺... 也只能默默的藏在心裡... 偶爾會寫信給他訴說我對他的想念及愛... 但是 ~ 大部分的時候也只能放在內心深處... 自己品嚐... 那是一種帶著淡淡的酸&苦的感覺... 或是... 在加上一點點的甜?! 我想... 如果現在楚於跟我一樣情況下的男女... (或是曾經有過)一定能夠體會... 那是一種愛與思念的感覺... 好想趕快再見到他喔... !! >.<"

Through MSN ~ 又一個不期而遇。。。

星期五的早上... 因為無聊 ... 一樣的... 瀏覽一遍平時我必定 check 的網站 ...開啟了MSN...
本來正準備下線的我... 突然看到有個小視窗跳了出來... 有人要加我為好友 !!?? 誰˙阿˙。。。
由於最近太多莫名其妙的土耳其人加我MSN,已經封殺了好幾個了... 可是似乎沒有用!! 是要我訂製一道隔離圍牆嗎?? 一直懷疑我MSN是不是中毒了... @.@" 所以我就想... 又是誰啦??!! 看了看名字 ...Terry ?!
又看了看帳號,確定不是怪人後... 我按下了"確定"鍵!!
原來他是在背包客棧看到我的~ 所以加我為好友 ~ 好家在阿...!!
可是ㄋㄟ~ 我們似乎不是分享旅遊的話題,聊著聊著就聊到感情話題去了...
他跟我一樣... 有談過異國戀情的經驗... 只不過他是"過去式"~ 而我是"現在進行式" ~ ㄏㄏ
他跟我緩緩述說他的那段刻苦銘心的愛情... 我聽了真的很難過... 也很能體會...
最令我感動的是... 在他跟他的瑞典女孩同遊北歐時... 他跟她說說 " 這次的旅行就當成是我們的蜜月旅行,不論最後的結果如何,這都將會是一段難忘的回憶,我們一定要好好珍惜.... "
當時的我,坐在電腦前... 想像那個情景,真的好想哭喔...!!
唉~ 距離真的是個很大的問題,也是感情世界的殺手!! 要克服,必定要下很大的努力!!
現在的我... 也是處在同樣的情境中,只不過... 距離沒有那麼的遙遠而已...
台灣與日本... 只要大約兩個半小時的飛機...感覺似乎不遠... 但是"機票"對這個還是學生的我~
就足以說 "遠阿 ~" 我們交往到現在也才半年多,往後還有很多日子要走,還有很多要飛的機會~
不論是他還是我... 我們聚少離多~ 不過每次的見面,都是替感情加溫的最好時機,
可能是因為我們很少見到彼此吧... 所以會倍感珍惜...
希望我們能在有很多很多的半年~ 甚至是永遠.... !!
這次我是真的想認真的定下來了!! 雖然我還年輕,但是,如果遇到了那個 "對的人"~
不就該好好把握住!!? 是的!! 至少我是這麼想的...
真的希望好好的跟他在一起~ 一直~ 一直~ 在一起...


位於台南市的小星星已經開了三家分店嚕~!! 老實說,我也是慕名而去的啦!!
由於方便性考量,我和Sammi 選擇了 "城堡 "!! 他們的服務員很親切,服務也很貼心~!!
最重要的當然是。。。 餐點啦。。。 從麵包、湯、前菜、主菜、甜點到飲料~
每一道都吃的出他們的用心以及食材上的 "挑剔 " !! 呵呵 ~
我最愛他們的手工麵口感 & 義大利麵醬汁口味~ 吃過了許多的義大利麵~ 我可是很挑嘴勒!!
小星星~ 真的很值得在去拜訪一次 ~ !! ^c^




開胃前菜~ 蔬菜濃湯+涼拌九孔





Monday, December 3, 2007

another folk dancing !!

exciting !!

~ so much joy ~

folk dancing club ~ visiting one of my friends!

see!they’re so enjoy dancing
